Thursday 10 March 2016

China Day 46

Spent the day preparing activities and resources for the classroom and in the evening Steve took me to a luxury bath house, where we spent some time in the pools and the sauna and then went upstairs for the show
Loud but fun........

And there was even a compere............................................................
And we had our feet massaged while we watched......
Which was very relaxing.....
And then we went to chill in an adjacent lounge.....
The Bath house is open 24/7 but there's work the next day so we picked up our shoes and the tab in the lobby and left happy.......


  1. Brilliant stuff! Come back and open one in Brum! A few initial marketing issues but we'll get over that soon.

  2. Very expensive by Chinese standards - we paid about £35 for the two of us - mind you we could have stayed all day if we'd wanted to
